- Acanthostachys
- Adenia
- Aechmea
- Agave
- Alcantarea
- Alluaudia
- Alocasia
- Aloe
- Amorphophallus
- Ananas
- Androlepis
- Araeococcus
- Beaucarnea
- Billbergia
- Bowiea
- Bromelia
- Bursera
- Book
- Canistrum
- Cryptanthus
- Cyphostemma
- Desmidorchis
- Deuterocohnia
- Dischidia
- Dorstenia
- Hylaeaicum
- Drimiopsis
- Drynaria
- Dyckia
- Encholirium
- Eucharis
- Eucrosia
- Euphorbia
- Fern
- Fernseea
- Ficus
- Fosterella
- Goudaea
- Guzmania
- Hatiora
- Haworthia
- Hechtia
- Hippeastrum
- Hohenbergia
- Huernia
- Jatropha
- Kalanchoe
- Lepismium
- Lymania
- Matelea
- Medinilla
- Monadenium
- Navia
- Neoalsomitra
- Neoregelia
- Nidularium
- Orthophytum
- Pachypodium
- Peperomia
- Pitcairnia
- Platycerium
- Portea
- Pseudorhipsalis
- Puya
- Quesnelia
- Racinaea
- Rhipsalis
- Sansevieria
- Selenicereus
- Senecio
- Stapelia
- Supplies
- Tillandsia
- Trachyandra
- Ursulaea
- Vriesea
- Wittrockia
- X anamea
- X billmea
- X cryptananas
- X cryptmea
- X dyckcohnia
- X enchotia
- X neomea
- X neophytum
- X neotanthus
- X orthotanthus
- X pitcohnia
- X pulirium
- X sedeveria
- X vriecantarea
- X sincoraechmea
- X pitcohnia
- X dyckcohnia
- X portmea
- X pucohnia
- Zamioculcas
- Wholesale tillandsia
- X anagelia
- Acanthostachys
- Adenia
- Aechmea
- Agave
- Alcantarea
- Alluaudia
- Alocasia
- Aloe
- Amorphophallus
- Ananas
- Androlepis
- Araeococcus
- Beaucarnea
- Billbergia
- Bowiea
- Bromelia
- Bursera
- Book
- Canistrum
- Cryptanthus
- Cyphostemma
- Desmidorchis
- Deuterocohnia
- Dischidia
- Dorstenia
- Hylaeaicum
- Drimiopsis
- Drynaria
- Dyckia
- Encholirium
- Eucharis
- Eucrosia
- Euphorbia
- Fern
- Fernseea
- Ficus
- Fosterella
- Goudaea
- Guzmania
- Hatiora
- Haworthia
- Hechtia
- Hippeastrum
- Hohenbergia
- Huernia
- Jatropha
- Kalanchoe
- Lepismium
- Lymania
- Matelea
- Medinilla
- Monadenium
- Navia
- Neoalsomitra
- Neoregelia
- Nidularium
- Orthophytum
- Pachypodium
- Peperomia
- Pitcairnia
- Platycerium
- Portea
- Pseudorhipsalis
- Puya
- Quesnelia
- Racinaea
- Rhipsalis
- Sansevieria
- Selenicereus
- Senecio
- Stapelia
- Supplies
- Tillandsia
- Trachyandra
- Ursulaea
- Vriesea
- Wittrockia
- X anamea
- X billmea
- X cryptananas
- X cryptmea
- X dyckcohnia
- X enchotia
- X neomea
- X neophytum
- X neotanthus
- X orthotanthus
- X pitcohnia
- X pulirium
- X sedeveria
- X vriecantarea
- X sincoraechmea
- X pitcohnia
- X dyckcohnia
- X portmea
- X pucohnia
- Zamioculcas
- Wholesale tillandsia
- X anagelia
3945 products
xNeorockia 'Susana'
Yucca rostrata
$200.00 to $650.00
Zamia angustifolia
$25.00 to $35.00
Zamia nesophila
Zamia variegata
No reviews
Zamia inermis
Regular price
Sale price
Save $10.00
2 reviews
One of the rarest living cycads. Native to forested areas of Veracruz, Mexico, it was only described in 1983, and may now be extinct in the wild. Grow in shade to semi-shaded conditions.
C.I.T.E.S. - No export, sorry.

Tyler T. Shipment was fast! Plants (Zamia inermis) were in perfect condition exactly as described when ordering.
Eric B. Another rare find from Tropiflora!¡Their plants are always healthy little specimens. Love this nursery and I have been buying here since the Cargo Report days (IYKYK)