Senecio fulgens
An attractive South African species from a variable genus that contains diverse plants such as vining, scandent species and thick, succulent, stone-like plants. This species looks as though it may be related to Kalanchoe or similar plants, but for the distinctive bloom, with it they typical red pom-pom bloom of many Senecio species. This species has a tall succulent stem that will form adventitious offsets, with succulent leaves that look like Myrtle leaves, green with a coat of silvery tomentum.
Senecio peregrinus 'String of Dolphins'
Senecio peregrinus is popularly known as the 'String of Dolphins' plant. Although constantly labelled as a species, this plant is really a hybrid between Senecio rowleyanus 'String of Pearls' and Senecio articulatus. The leaves are curved with two points midway down the leaf which gives the appearance of a dolphin. This plant has a pendant, trailing habit with white flowers from May to June.
This plant prefers bright filtered light, keeping it on the dry side. If the temperature drops below 50 degrees, bring it inside! It is not cold hardy.
A unique addition to any succulent collection.
Senecio stapelioides
A succulent member of the Asteraceae (daisy family) with cylindrical stems that have dark green vertical bands over a lighter green base.