This uncommon form is a rather shy bloomer, unlike many other nudicaulis forms. A smallish plant that grows in an upright, tubular rosette to about 14 inches tall. The leaves are two inches wide and armed with pronounced black spines.
In good light the plants will blush a mahogany red color. Its stoloniferous habit makes it a good plant for mounting.
*VIPP plant is an Offset
A classic! This Brazilian species is really a great looking plant with an upright vase shape, stoloniferous habit and green leaves overlaid with brown to black mottling. Variable, we have many clones that vary in depth of color, leaf shade, and pattern. All are great! Outstanding for mounting and growing in trees or on rocks.
*VIPP plants are Offsets
This Ed Edmiston hybrid is a cultivar of ‘Jet Age’ x lacerdae ‘Menescal’ having 10+ lanceolate leaves forming a medium plant to 12″ in diameter with a full round, open, flat rosette. The plants are larger than Cryptanthus lacerdae ‘Menescal,’ but lacks the long stolons. The light chocolate background leaf color is marked with silvery grey central and marginal longitudinal stripes. The bottom of the leaf is covered in a medium dense lineated white scurf.
The former Abromeitiella brevifolia, a name still used by many, especially in the succulent world. An interesting, miniature terrestrial from Bolivia and Argentina, smallest of the genus, with neat, compact rosettes about the diameter of a U.S. nickel, with short, succulent, silvery leaves ending in a sharp spine.
In nature it grows on steep hillsides or rock faces in cool, arid regions, forming mounds of tens of thousands of plants. Adapts well to pot culture, forming pillow-like clusters. Likes plenty of water in warm weather, but prefers to be allowed to dry thoroughly after watering.