Agave bracteosa
A cliff dwelling lithophyte native to the Chihuahuan Desert, our plants are from seed collected in Sta. Catarina, Nuevo Leon. Sometimes called the octopus Agave, because of its sinuous and curled, spineless, narrow leaves. An unusual aspect of this species is that it does not immediately die like most Agave species, after flowering. Eventually forms clusters of plants, attractive with their pale green leaves. Suited for full sun to partial shade. Needs good drainage.

Agave schidigera 'Shira ito no Ohi'
A choice miniature from Mexico that grows in a full compact rosette to about 6 inches. The stiff leaves are very thick and succulent terminating in a sharp spine. With age the plant develops white filaments along the leaf margins, which grow fairly long and curl. This form has bold creamy white variegation along the margins. Cold hardy for gardens to freezing and just below. Small enough and slow enough for pot culture.