A spectacular Brazilian bromeliad which reaches impressive sizes, suitable for landscaping and interiorscape use. A wide leaved, funnel-form rosette to well over 30 inches with bluish-green leaves, reticulated and striated with light green. As the plant matures, the striations become almost white. A slow grower that makes a great terrarium plant when young.
*VIPP plants are currently small
Found what I needed
Vriesea gigantea v. seideliana aka 'Nova'
This is an exceptional clone of a popular species. An upright tubular grower with grayish-green leaves, heavily speckled with reddish-purple spots. In the typical form the leaves flare out at the tip but with the ‘Tim Plowman‘ clone they form a curl.
A handsome stoloniferous plant that grows well potted or mounted. In nature this plant can be found as an epiphyte or lithophyte in the Atlantic forests of Eastern Brazil.
The pup arrived in perfect condition and will be a beautiful addition to my collection. Thanks !!!
They are Beautiful! Shipped Great! Thank you 🌷
the beautiful clone of Quesnelia marmorata did not disappoint: what a gorgeous bromeliad, i feel lucky to have procured such a rare plant!
A neat miniature, stoloniferous, clumping species that matures at less than 6 inches tall. Its gracefully curving, slightly speckled leaves form a bulbous base and a 10 inch flower spike with light red, white tipped bracts. Discovered near Parati in Rio de Janeiro state of Brazil and described in 1980, it is a native of low, wet rainforest where it grows as an epiphyte. An easy to grow yet rare collector item. Superior for terrariums.
This plant has become a superstar since its limited introduction a few years ago, finding a ready market at high prices at bromeliad conventions and shows. Now commonly used as a hardy landscape plant, it’s is a spectacular, large-growing plant with heavy reddish-brown bars across light green leaves. Large marginal spines line the wide, stiff leaves. A superior plant for hybridizing, Hannibal Lecter being an example.
It should be noted that this plant has no official botanical status. It was brought into cultivation by Chester Skotak after having found it in a Brazilian collection. Lacking a better description for now, it is being referred to as carcharodon cv. ‘Tiger’. The ‘real’ carcharodon is unknown and many not be in cultivation at all.
Neoregelia carcharodon 'Tiger'
A spectacular cultivar of (carolinae x fosteriana) x carcharodon by Chester Skotak. A large growing plant with gracefully arching 3½ inch wide leaves in a 30 inch rosette. The background color is dark brown to almost black, with pink variegation. Numerous red specks are scattered evenly over leaf, and a dusting of silvers trichomes gives the plant a matte finish. Relatively large marginal spines are soft and match the color of the leaf. Color flush at anthesis is minimal, slightly reddish.
A very nice and robust form of nudicaulis with compact growth when cultivated bright and stressed a little. Reddish leaves are stiff and heavily banded with silver.
*VIPP plants are Offsets
A beautiful undescribed species that has been in cultivation for some years with the name fragrans, unofficial but long accepted. Uniformly bronze colored with stiff, arching leaves in a 20 inch rosette, produces a simple spike of yellow fragrant flowers. A stunningly handsome plant. A prolific and easy plant to grow, thriving in full sun.
Both parents of this Ray Lemieux cross of Hechtia lanata x myriantha have some interesting characteristics that should express themselves when the plants grow out. The seed parent, H. lanata, has broad, scurfy, twisting and curling leaves in habitat, which is a tropical desert environment on nutrient poor cliffs.
In cultivation, seedlings of this species tend to have straighter foliage, at least here in sea-level Florida. The pollen parent, H. myriantha, is a giant grower, perhaps the largest of all Hechtia species. Anecdotal stories report that this plant can reach the size of a VW Beetle! The intent of this cross was to produce a large growing hybrid with twisted foliage and silvery scurf. Only time will tell if that will happen.
Great cross. I got this specimen in July, 2021 and set it in a wide pot. So far it’s more than tripled in size and is beginning to overflow the edges of the pot (as in this picture from this past January). It’s been in full sun and doing well - the color does change here with the season (ranging from more red to more green as the angle of the sun changes), but that seems to be typical for several of my Hechtia specimens. Definitely recommend.
An as yet unnamed cross of Neoregelia ‘Rio Ocher’ x olens ‘Vulcan’ is an apple green plant with a vivid red center flush at anthesis. The inch and a half wide leaves are somewhat thick and leathery and the marginal spines are small. It develops some red cross-banding on the leaves which become more pronounced with strong light or when grown “harder”. Offsets are on short stolons and the plant is good for mounting and for terrarium use.
This Ed Edmiston hybrid is a cultivar of ‘Jet Age’ x lacerdae ‘Menescal’ having 10+ lanceolate leaves forming a medium plant to 12″ in diameter with a full round, open, flat rosette. The plants are larger than Cryptanthus lacerdae ‘Menescal,’ but lacks the long stolons. The light chocolate background leaf color is marked with silvery grey central and marginal longitudinal stripes. The bottom of the leaf is covered in a medium dense lineated white scurf.
A clone of the species collected by our friends Wally Berg and John Anderson in Chapada Diamantina, Brazil, is as different as night from day when compared to the clonotype. This plant is an upright vase to almost bottle shaped plant with wide leathery leaves, heavily spined, and dusted with a thick layer of silvery trichomes. Hard grown it can grow into a very squat, vase shape. An extremely handsome plant!
A spectacular decorative landscape-type species from Brazil. A large upright rosette has wide, fairly rigid green leaves and a very showy inflorescence that is a panicle of reddish-orange branches and bracts and yellow flowers. Long lasting in bloom, it will eventually form bright berry-like fruits. A collector item now, but destined to fame in landscape.
*VIPP plants are Offsets
Despite poor USPS delivery, the plant arrived healthy. The offset is large and should do well.
This offset is humongous! May bloom this summer ? Unboxing plants and pups from Tropiflora is better than opening Christmas gifts 'cause you al
ready know you like it and it will fit into the perfect place or just the right pot. Many Thanks for all. Bobbie.