A Mexican plant with very stiff leaves in an open rosette of 6 to 8 inches. The leaves are yellowish, blushing reddish in strong light or full sun and it produces a shiny red to yellow-green, branched inflorescence with pink flowers. Easy to grow, preferring conditions on the bright and dry side. Can be suspended from a string or mounted on wood, cork, stone or other substrate. Suitable for dry terrarium use.
Tillandsia caputmedusae. A name that means ‘head of Medusa’. It has silvery twisty leaves and a bulbous base. The inflorescence is red and may be simple or branched. Weird, but easy to grow.
The inflorescence is an extended scape with pink bracts and deep inky-blue flowers. Forms large clusters of plants that will bloom simultaneously in its season.
From Guatemala. This cute little plant about 4 inches tall has a bright green bulbous base and twisted, wiry leaves that blush bright red when blooming. The inflorescence is a short scape with red branches and deep blue flowers. Grow shaded and moist for best results. Forms attractive clumps, can be grown hanging from a string. A must for every Tillandsia fancier. Good for terrariums too.
This is a superior clone of the species that has been grown in cultivation from seed! This is a long and arduous process for any Tillandsia and especially such relatively slow species as these. A species supremely adapted to the harsh climate of the nearly rain free canyons of interior southern Ecuador and northern Peru.
The plants, resembling cotton candy, are covered with a heavy coat of silver trichomes giving them an otherworldly appearance. In nature the plants use their trichomes to capture minute amounts of moisture from dew and frequent fogs which provide their major source moisture.
The inflorescence is a spike with a cluster of pink branches and blue flowers. After blooming the plants produce a cluster of offsets at the base of the inflorescence. The plants require bright light, good air movement and little watering in cultivation. Maintain in bright light up to full sun, watering weekly is good but the plants must dry quickly. Do not allow them to remain wet for extended periods.
A beautiful and collectible Tillandsia from Guatemala which forms a large open rosette with wide recurving silver leaves and a handsome yellow inflorescence. Grown mounted or in a basket, the leaves will hang in long curls. Native to seasonally dry forests where they receive abundant sun and good air circulation, in cultivation does well in a hanging basket or a string ‘cradle’, just suspended in a bright, airy place.
A magnificent species now listed as endangered by C.I.T.E.S.
This is a spectacular specimen in perfect condition! I love it and would love to get more in the future.
If you’re in Sarasota, check out the display of these plants being installed at Selby Gardens as part of the upcoming Kasuma exhibit (see photo), then go to Tropiflora to buy your own!
I have purchased plants from Tropiflora both in person and by mail . I recently received a Xerographica which arrived promptly and in great shape. Indeed, all of my purchases have been great and timely.
Excellent service, professional handling and shipping. Amazing, healthy beautiful. Thank You.
I was so excited about the way it was mounted. All I had to do was just go home and hang it up sometime the hardest part is trying to decide how to display them. This was quick easy and I enjoy looking at it every day. Hands down, you have the best selection, healthiest plants, and great prices.
You always feel like family when you shop at tropiflora