- Agave
- Alcantarea
- Aloe
- Bursera
- Book
- Cryptanthus
- Deuterocohnia
- Hylaeaicum
- Drimiopsis
- Dyckia
- Encholirium
- Eucharis
- Euphorbia
- Goudaea
- Hechtia
- Neoregelia
- Pachypodium
- Portea
- Pseudorhipsalis
- Selenicereus
- Senecio
- Stapelia
- Supplies
- Tillandsia
- Trachyandra
- Vriesea
- X billmea
- X dyckcohnia
- X vriecantarea
- X sincoraechmea
- X dyckcohnia
- X pucohnia
- X anagelia
- Agave
- Alcantarea
- Aloe
- Bursera
- Book
- Cryptanthus
- Deuterocohnia
- Hylaeaicum
- Drimiopsis
- Dyckia
- Encholirium
- Eucharis
- Euphorbia
- Goudaea
- Hechtia
- Neoregelia
- Pachypodium
- Portea
- Pseudorhipsalis
- Selenicereus
- Senecio
- Stapelia
- Supplies
- Tillandsia
- Trachyandra
- Vriesea
- X billmea
- X dyckcohnia
- X vriecantarea
- X sincoraechmea
- X dyckcohnia
- X pucohnia
- X anagelia
Dyckia 'Heaven and Hell' x Arizona Clone #2
The plant is very full with many triangular recurving leaves about 5 or 6 inches long. Dark blackish brown with large, triangular, slightly curving white spines. A white scurf covers the leaves. Mature size is about 12 inches across. Full sun brings out the blackish coloration and enhances the white scurf.
Dyckia 'Pallaphat'
A variegated sport of Dyckia encholirioides. Large green rosette of narrow leaves. The center leaves have yellow variegation. Grows best in bright light. Needs to be fertilized on a regular schedule to keep the variegation bright.
Arrived in perfect condition! my only issue is I already have most of what they grow! Lol
Dyckia 'Renegade'
A hybrid of unknown parentage. Possibly a Dyckia fosteriana hybrid. Green leaves that develop a burgundy veneer with some scurfing at maturity. The leaves are edged with red spines. This one is a small to medium size plant.
Dyckia 'Snaggletooth' x reitzii v. rubra
A wide tapering leaf hybrid with green leaves that turn red with age and high light. Scurf occurs on both sides of the leaves. Has the potential to grow to 18 inches across. This hybrid cross was made here at Tropiflora. Both parents are beautiful plants.
Dyckia 'T-Rex' x 'Heaven and Hell'
A large growing hybrid that came from Qdyckia in Thailand. Wide dark green succulent recurving leaves with heavy scurfing and large spines. Mature size is 18 inches across. Grows best in bright light to full sun which will enhance the plant color.
Dyckia brevifolia 'Yellow Glow'
A handsome, clustering little species with short stiff green leaves that flush golden yellow near the top of the plant. Light and maturity are factors in coloring, but all plants color in time. Easy to cultivate, it forms large clusters of 4 inch plants in a relatively short time.
Dyckia choristaminea hybrid
Yet unnamed, this Sharon Petersen hybrid of Dyckia choristaminea and an unreported other Dyckia as pollen parent is a smaller grower. Compact rosettes of narrow, bronze/red leaves dusted with silvery white scurffing are about six inches across when mature. The leaves, though narrow, are wider than the choristaminea parent, at about a quarter inch.
Dyckia dawsonii
This is a fine species of Dyckia that has been much sought by collectors and of which there are several clones ‘in the trade’. We have one clone (not this one) that is supposed to be a descendent of the clonotype, and also several others of unknown provenance.
This particular clone is fairly typical; narrow leaves with prominent, hooked spines, bronzy green leaves with lighter spines (see photos). Rosettes up to 12 inches or more in diameter are produced, with many leaves. This is a very decorative species.
The clonotype material came from Goias, Brazil, but this one was sourced without data. Notably cold hardy in Central Florida and an easy species to cultivate.
Dyckia fragrans
A beautiful undescribed species that has been in cultivation for some years with the name fragrans, unofficial but long accepted. Uniformly bronze colored with stiff, arching leaves in a 20 inch rosette, produces a simple spike of yellow fragrant flowers. A stunningly handsome plant. A prolific and easy plant to grow, thriving in full sun.
Dyckia marnierlapostollei hybrid
A fairly large grower, to about 12 inches across, with very wide recurving leaves and serrate spines resembling the marnierlapostolle parent. Colors range from reddish with white spines to all silver. Outstanding silver beauties! Some have serrate spines resembling the marnierlapostolle parent, others have larger, stouter ones.
E6000 Glue
GLUE-0.18 OZ
Encholirium diamantinum
A uncommon species that is not found in many plant collections. It originates in Minas Gerais, Brazil growing on rocky outcroppings. The color can vary from gray to silver with hints of red. The mature size is 10 to 12 inches across.
The plant size is good and all are worth the price.