Dyckia 'T-Rex' x 'Heaven and Hell'
A large growing hybrid that came from Qdyckia in Thailand. Wide dark green succulent recurving leaves with heavy scurfing and large spines. Mature size is 18 inches across. Grows best in bright light to full sun which will enhance the plant color.
Hechtia matudae
Hechtia matudae is a species native to Mexico. It prefers growing in full sun or bright light. Grow it in a well draining mix as in nature it grows on cliffs and rock in its native habitat. It grows to 24 inches across and 24 inches tall. It has silver green leaves that have spines along the edge. The inflorescence is tall branch of purple.
Neoregelia 'Aurora'
A Hendrix hybrid of (sarmentosa x [olens x (compacta x 'Fireball']) When grown a little 'hard' becomes a compact rosette of pointed leaves, yellowish bronze turning red towards the tips. The center flush at anthesis is bright red. Nice terrarium plant.
Neoregelia 'Easter Egg'
A small growing hybrid from Lisa Vinzant. It has a rosette of green leaves that are mottled with red and white. Matures at 6 to 8 inches across. Grows best in bright filtered light.