A real cute small growing compact plant, reaching only 8 to 10 inches. The leaves, forming a dense symmetrical rosette, are deep green with abundant red spotting and blotching. A hybrid by Odean Head, named after his wife, Betty.
*VIPP plants are Offsets
Sharon Peterson's hybrid of ('Lambert's Pride' x olens). Overall color is a light tangerine-orange, suffused with tiny red speckles. Leaf tips are bright red and cup color at anthesis is also red. Somewhat upright in habit, about 18 inches across and 12 inches tall. Very full, with 30+ leaves.
*VIPP plants are Offsets
An ampullacea (hybrid?) from Chester Skotak. We don't know much about this plant but presume it is from Rafael DeFaria in Rio de Janeiro originally, for whom Chester named it. A nice, heavily banded, dark plant to about 6 inches tall with stiff leaves in an upright rosette. The leaves are banded on the upper and undersides and have slight red tips.
*VIPP plants are Offsets
Beautiful pup. Service at Tropiflora is always great.
The late Jim Elmore was ahead of his time when he made many interesting Neoregelia hybrids back in the mid 1970s. Some are quite beautiful and are with us today and some have disappeared from cultivation unless they exist here and there in private collections. This cross of 'Pepper' x 'Foster's Freckles' is a smaller grower than most of his others and forms 8 inch rosettes with somewhat bottle shaped bases. The leaves are broad and light green to yellowish when stressed and covered with many red spots. The offsets are on short stolons and the center blushes slightly reddish at anthesis with large blue flowers.
Arrived quickly as usual and in great shape . . . and a Beautiful plant