Tillandsia 'Starburst'
A hybrid of (brachycaulos x schiedeana). Upright to 10 inches, it has rather narrow leaves and an attenuated inflorescence that forms a tightly capitate head. A late-spring bloomer, with rosy-blushing silvery leaves and yellow flowers. This is a very interesting and different-looking plant.
Tillandsia 'Steve'
A spectacular cross by Steve Correale of (chiapensis x fasciculata ‘Magnificent’) SC. A good blend of the parents; the basic shape of a fasciculata, but with more ‘substance’ and scurffing, like the chiapensis parent. The inflorescence has the shape of the fasciculata, which is an outstanding form native to northern Panama, but is a bit thicker and dusted with the silver thichomes of chiapensis. When well grown, one of the most spectacular of Tillandsias.
Very happy with the plant and bloom, it will look great next to my chiapensis's. Thank You !
Tillandsia 'Steve' Pink Form
A pink form of this spectacular cross by Steve Correale of (chiapensis x fasciculata ‘Magnificent’) SC. A good blend of the parents; the basic shape of a fasciculata, but with more ‘substance’ and scurffing, like the chiapensis parent. The inflorescence has the shape of the fasciculata, which is an outstanding form native to northern Panama, but is a bit thicker and heavily dusted with the silver trichomes over red that makes the inflorescence fuzzy pink like that of the chiapensis parent. When well grown, one of the most spectacular of Tillandsias.
Tillandsia 'Swamp Rose'
A hybrid reported to be a cross of (durangensis x seleriana) by Bill Timm. We grew these from seedlings given to us by Bill. The plants have an open rosette shape of fairly broad, recurving, silvery leaves that can reach almost 20 inches across.
The inflorescence can reach about 12 inches tall with very long, stiff, leaf-like red bracts. Many short, red branches point upwards from between the bracts and will produce tubular purple-blue flowers.
Honestly we cannot see either parent in the cross, but the plant has been registered and does match the photo in the registry.
Tillandsia 'Sweet Isabel'
This cute little caulescent plant is a cross of (tectorum x paleacea) reaching about 6 to 8 inches long, with 2 inch fuzzy silver leaves. Not as fuzzy as the tectorum parent, but still very fuzzy. A very prolific, fast-grower, producing many offsets and forming clumps fairly quickly. The scape is about 6 inches long with purple flowers. Grow it hanging from a string or mount it. A very easy ‘confidence builder’ for beginners, but a nice plant for any collection.
So many wonderful healthy plants! Love the huge varieties and blooms!
Tillandsia 'Tall Stranger'
Tillandsia 'Tamaree'
A hybrid of (stricta x edithae) by Margaret Patterson. This is one of those rare kinds of hybrids that when you see it bloom for the first time, you can't believe how stunning and unique it is. A very leafy, full rosette of many fairly stiff leaves that are dark silvery gray and fairly lepidote. The inflorescence is outstanding, brilliant red bracts in a cylindrical inflorescence with dark purple flowers. A gem.
Tillandsia 'Timm's Outburst'
A colorful hybrid by Bill Timm of (capitata ‘Dominguensis’ x ionantha ‘Fuego’ BT). Like all or nearly all T. ionantha hybrids it most resembles that parent. An upright, vase shaped plant with many tapering, narrow leaves that are red-green with a coating of silver trichomes, but blush deep red towards anthesis. The inflorescence is low in the leaves, a head of deep blue flowers. We raised these here from seed that Bill Timm supplied to us.
Tillandsia 'Timm's Twister'
Bill Timm’s cross of (ionantha v. vanhyningii x bulbosa) is pretty much just what you’d expect. The plant without a flower looks very much like a bulbosa is shape and size, perhaps a bit stiffer with thicker leaves. When in flower, the inflorescence is more like that of the ionantha v. vanhyningii parent, short, almost without a scape, with a cluster of tight branches and blue flowers. The top of the plant and the inflorescence blushes red at anthesis.
Tillandsia 'Trinket'
Tillandsia 'Tropic Skye'
A hybrid of Tillandsia aeranthos x gardneri. Fairly stiff, silvery-green leaves in a full 8 inch rosette. Pretty pink floral bracts. Easy to grow and prolific.
Tillandsia 'Tropical Fire'
A pretty hybrid of fasciculata 'Tropiflora' x 'Fire Orange'. The frosted pink branched inflorescence is from the Tropiflora parent. Leaves are gray and lightly scurffed. The compact shape is similar to the 'Fire Orange'. A nice mix of two beautiful plants.
*VIPP plants are Small, not in bloom