Tillandsia x walter-richteri (natural hybrid)
A natural hybrid of Till. argentina x tenuifolia. A clustering plant with very stiff, dark gray leaves tapering to a sharp point. The inflorescence is a lanceolate scape of pink with lavender flowers with an open corolla. Overall the plant takes more characteristics from the argentina parent.

Tillandsia 'Anonymous'

Tillandsia 'Arco Iris'
A stunning hybrid of (chiapensis x tricolor) takes on the very best of both species. In general the shape is like that of tricolor, an open rosette of narrow, fairly stiff leaves. They differ from the wide leaves of chiapensis but take on the silvery coloration of that species. The inflorescence is taller than the foliage, with a central spike and three or four side branches, rather like the shape of the tricolor parent. The color is glossy red in the center with a dusting of silver trichomes towards the margins, which appear pink. Immature branches are yellow and flowers blue. A very colorful hybrid!

Tillandsia 'Ask Harry'
An apparent natural hybrid from Mexico of (brachycaulos x paucifolia) as identified by Harry Luther. After acquiring the plant, Bill Timm made a note to ‘Ask Harry’ and I guess the name stuck. Wouldn’t have been my pick, but it is what it is. Anyway, this is a handsome little plant in an upright vase shape of stiff, deeply channeled leaves that are reddish with light silver banding. The inflorescence is fairly short, may or may not branch and is pink with blue flowers. Showy plants.

Tillandsia 'Asombroso'
A hybrid of (paucifolia x streptophylla) by Bill Timm. A tall, upright, tight, somewhat bulbous rosette of long, curling leaves. Silvery, with a tall, pink inflorescence bearing pink bracts and pink branches with blue flowers. A very handsome and vigorous plant.

Tillandsia 'Bartolo'

Tillandsia 'Bauple'
A hybrid of (brachycaulos x streptophylla) by Paterson. A plant of variable size that may flower from 5 to 10 inches tall. Somewhat bulbous and upright, the leaves are reddish and lepidote, blushing red at anthesis. The inflorescence is capitate with blue flowers.

Tillandsia 'Biscayne'
This beautiful hybrid of (polystachia x capitata) by Steve Correale is a full rosette of recurving, light green leaves. An inflorescence with long red scape bracts and a cluster of glabrous, red-tipped green branches rises well above the foliage.

Tillandsia 'Blue Ice'
A hybrid of arequitae x stricta. A robust cross forming a very leafy, silvery-green rosette with a tall, unbranched inflorescence. The inflorescence has subtle pale peach bracts and large light blue flowers. A strong grower that likes bright light and airy conditions.

Tillandsia 'Blue Star'
A natural hybrid of ixioides x bergeri from Argentina, with many stiff, silvery-gray, arching leaves in a tall rosette. The tall inflorescence is erect with tan to light pink, dry bracts like the ixioides parent and light blue, flaring flowers with twisted petals like the bergeri parent. Is hardy and very easy to grow, producing many offsets.

Tillandsia 'Brandywine'

Beautiful plants. Bought 3 for lusher effect. To me Tillandsias with subtle blooms like this are the best. And of course, I'm a sucker for gray/white foliage. Shipping is top-notch.
Tillandsia 'Buck Compton'
An impressive hybrid of Tillandsia fasciculata x ionantha by Mark Dimmitt.