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Bananas You Can Grow
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BANANAS YOU CAN GROW Waddick & Stokes ©2000 128 pages, soft cover. Everything a hobby grower of bananas could want to know. Beautiful color photos of over 60 varieties, both edible and ornamental. FAQ’s and even recipes!

T.C. I was given a copy by the creator of the book and it’s a must have for tropical enthusiasts!
Robert C. Great plant. the only problem is that in order to get the brom to show red is to put it in direct sun, BUT this is tricky. Too much sun, they burn, too little sun they turn green.
Bromeliad Hybrids 'For my own satisfaction' book 1 Neoregelias
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Bromeliad Hybrids 'For my own satisfaction' book 1 Neoregelias Large format, paper bound, 210 x 295mm, 100 pages with 620 color photos, © 2010 Bill & Margaret Paterson. This beautiful book is valuable not only for it's beautiful pictures, but also because it documents the prolific hybridizing work of Margaret over more than 30 years. A handy index lists plants by grex, pollen and seed parent, date and contains notes on naming, and other info. A valuable tool for hybridizers and hobbyists alike. You may be surprised to find some of Margaret's hybrids in your collection that you did not know you had! Imported from Australia.

Northern Mindanao Bromeliads
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Northern Mindanao Bromeliads ©2002 Juanilla Alfonso-Go 400+ beautiful color photos of spectacularly colored bromeliads grown on this Philippine island. 38 pages.

Reptiles and Amphibians of the Amazon
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Reptiles and Amphibians of the Amazon: An Ecotourists Guide by Richard & Patricia Bartlett ©2003 448 pages, soft cover, hundreds of color photos. A must-have field guide for any with an interest in herpetology or who travels in the Amazon region.