Dyckia 'Wasabi'
A very nice Dyckia hybrid from Thailand by Sasatorn Somwatee. A tight growing rosette maturing at 12 to 14 inches across. The leaves are wide, recurving, olive -green, and heavily scurfed with white trichomes and edged with large, retrorse, orange/white spines. Not a common plant in collections in the USA.

Aechmea 'Big Harv'
An Aechmea eurycorymbus hybrid from Bullis Bromeliads. Large growing with stiff green leaves. The inflorescence has clustered branches of yellow with red bracts and is very colorful. The inflorescence is long lasting and this is a good landscape plant.

Dyckia marrnier-lapostolle x (marnier-lapostolle x 'Shining Star')
A medium size growing terrestrial bromeliad. Maturing at 10 inches across, narrow tapering green leaves that are covered with silver white scurf. Grows best in bright light to full sun. Like most Dyckias it prefers to be watered weekly during the dry hot weather.

Dyckia 'Arizona' f2 Clone #1
Burgundy black recurving leaves with large white spines. Matures at 12-14 inches across. Grows best in bright light to full sun. Dyckias like to be watered regularly during the dry times of the year.

x Dyckcohnia 'Red Bull'
A bi-generic hybrid by Bryan Windham. Thick green recurving leaves with pronounced spines. Mature size 20 inches across. grows best in bright filtered light.