Dyckia choristaminea hybrid
Yet unnamed, this Sharon Petersen hybrid of Dyckia choristaminea and an unreported other Dyckia as pollen parent is a smaller grower. Compact rosettes of narrow, bronze/red leaves dusted with silvery white scurffing are about six inches across when mature. The leaves, though narrow, are wider than the choristaminea parent, at about a quarter inch.
Dyckia 'Heaven and Hell'
One of Bill Baker’s amazing crosses named posthumously by Chris Nguyen, a cultivar of (Arizona x Brittle Star) x Brittle Star. I suppose the name is appropriate, a heavenly looking plant with hellish spines, but I don’t know if that is what Chris had in mind. The plant is very full with many triangular leaves about 5 or 6 inches long, dark blackish brown with large, triangular, slightly curving white spines. A stunning plant in every way. Mature size is about 12 inches across. Full sun brings out blackish coloration, with less sun it will show more white scurf.
*Please note- some leaf tips will be trimmed
Dyckia brevifolia 'Yellow Glow'
A handsome, clustering little species with short stiff green leaves that flush golden yellow near the top of the plant. Light and maturity are factors in coloring, but all plants color in time. Easy to cultivate, it forms large clusters of 4 inch plants in a relatively short time.
Dyckia 'Betty Garrison'
Dyckia excelsa 'Silver' x 'Heaven and Hell'
A outstanding large growing hybrid from Q-Dyckia. Matures at 24 plus inches across and 24 inches tall. the leaves are dark maroon with heavy white scurf. Grows best in high light or full sun for part of the day.
Plants may have some leaf tips trimmed.
Just a beautiful plant. My new favorite. Shipped promptly...packed with perfection.As always very pleased with my purchase. Thank you!
Exactly like pictured, this Dyckia is sensational!
Dyckia dawsonii x choristaminea
Dyckia 'Cat Fight'
Dyckia marnierlapostollei hybrid
A fairly large grower, to about 12 inches across, with very wide recurving leaves and serrate spines resembling the marnierlapostolle parent. Colors range from reddish with white spines to all silver. Outstanding silver beauties! Some have serrate spines resembling the marnierlapostolle parent, others have larger, stouter ones.
Dyckia 'T-Rex' x 'Heaven and Hell'
A large growing hybrid that came from Qdyckia in Thailand. Wide dark green succulent recurving leaves with heavy scurfing and large spines. Mature size is 18 inches across. Grows best in bright light to full sun which will enhance the plant color.
Dyckia 'Heaven and Hell' x 'Arizona' clone #1
The plant is very full with many triangular recurving leaves about 5 or 6 inches long. Green brown with large, triangular, slightly curving white spines. A white scurf covers the leaves. Mature size is about 12 inches across. Full sun brings out the brown coloration and enhances the white scurf.