Dyckia dawsonii
Dyckia dawsonii
Dyckia dawsonii
Dyckia dawsonii
Dyckia dawsonii

Dyckia dawsonii


Sale price $20.00 Save $-10.00

This is a fine species of Dyckia that has been much sought by collectors and of which there are several clones ‘in the trade’. We have one clone (not this one) that is supposed to be a descendent of the clonotype, and also several others of unknown provenance. 

This particular clone is fairly typical; narrow leaves with prominent, hooked spines, bronzy green leaves with lighter spines (see photos). Rosettes up to 12 inches or more in diameter are produced, with many leaves. This is a very decorative species. 

The clonotype material came from Goias, Brazil, but this one was sourced without data. Notably cold hardy in Central Florida and an easy species to cultivate.