- Aechmea
- Agave
- Aloe
- Bromelia
- Cryptanthus
- Deuterocohnia
- Dyckia
- Encholirium
- Euphorbia
- Fernseea
- Hechtia
- Hohenbergia
- Navia
- Neoregelia
- Orthophytum
- Pachypodium
- Pitcairnia
- Puya
- Tillandsia
- X cryptananas
- X cryptmea
- X dyckcohnia
- X enchotia
- X neophytum
- X pitcohnia
- X pulirium
- X sincoraechmea
- X pitcohnia
- X dyckcohnia
- X pucohnia
- Aechmea
- Agave
- Aloe
- Bromelia
- Cryptanthus
- Deuterocohnia
- Dyckia
- Encholirium
- Euphorbia
- Fernseea
- Hechtia
- Hohenbergia
- Navia
- Neoregelia
- Orthophytum
- Pachypodium
- Pitcairnia
- Puya
- Tillandsia
- X cryptananas
- X cryptmea
- X dyckcohnia
- X enchotia
- X neophytum
- X pitcohnia
- X pulirium
- X sincoraechmea
- X pitcohnia
- X dyckcohnia
- X pucohnia
Cryptanthus 'Thriller'
A large growing beauty by Stephen Hoppin can grow to a 24 inch rosette. The color is black to dark chocolate brown, glossy with wavy, silvery cross bands. Some silver shading in the leaves. Leaf tips turn downward. 'Ebony Beauty' x (x Roseus)

Tillandsia stricta Hard Leaf
An all-time favorite from Brazil is about 6 inches across in a leafy rosette with stiff gray-green leaves. It produces a stunning blue-flowered, plume-shaped pink inflorescence in the summer. In nature this plant can be found growing on the restinga sands of beach dunes and in trees in the foothills of the Atlantic Range in Brazil.

Adenium obesum
These are seedlings. We can't guarantee the flowers will look like flowers but they have good genetics. Some plants may be starting their dormancy.

Sincoraea rafaelii
Formerly Orthophytum rafaelli. A stunning newly described small growing species from the Chapada Diamantina of Bahia Brazil in the vicinity of Palmeira, Serra das Paridas, Cachoeira do Mosquito. A lithophyte living is rock crevices on cliff faces, partly shaded by shrubs. The area is typical of ‘Campos Rupestres’, a seasonally dry, rocky scrubland between rocky hills and plateaus.
A plant to about ten to twelve inches across or less when grown hard, with many narrow, stiff leaves, heavily armed with large, curved spines. Green above and white below, with a heavy dusting of trichomes. Bright light brings out a red blush and the color at anthesis is cherry red with a green center and white flowers. Offsets are produced on stolons. A highly decorative species. Described in 2011 by Elton Leme and named after its discoverer Rafael de Oliveira.

Beautiful little plant. As aways.. Very happy with my purchase.
Pachypodium rutenbergianum v. meridionale
This fast growing Madagascan pachycaul is the largest of the rutenbergianum group and the most southerly in range. Clusters of violet/white flowers appear in spring before the plant comes out of dormancy. A tree-like pachycaul that is suitable for landscape use. Our plants are seed grown.