Tillandsia brachycaulos
This species of Mexican and Central American forms a 6 inch open rosette of gray-green leaves which flush vivid red when in bloom. Flowers are blue. A lovely, easy to grow, all-time-favorite. An easy growing, sub-mesic plant that grows well when mounted and kept in moderate light and humidity.
Tillandsia ionantha v. vanhyningii
A rare caulescent species from Sumidero Canyon in Chiapas, Mexico, where it covers the canyon walls in some places, by the thousands. Tillandsia ionantha v. vanhyningii has short thick leaves on a 3 to 6 inch stem and blushes a peach color when in bloom and forms large cascading clusters. The plant grows with a long stem that forms many adventitious offsets which can be removed and grown or left to form a large cluster. Very easy to grow, bright and airy.
Yes,the velvety texture and pink hues along with its hardiness and ease of maintainence has charmed me fully,and allthough my wife also has pink hues and is fairly hardy, Tillandsia ionantha v.vanhyning never yells at me or tries to throw out my odiferous Lazy Boy comfort lounger, all-in-all for psychological agreeabilty i will take Tillandsia ionantha v. vanhyning over my wife any day...
Excellent! Thanks much.
Tillandsia bulbosa Red Form
From Guatemala. This cute little plant about 4 inches tall has a bright green bulbous base and twisted, wiry leaves that blush bright red when blooming. The inflorescence is a short scape with red branches and deep blue flowers. Grow shaded and moist for best results. Forms attractive clumps, can be grown hanging from a string. A must for every Tillandsia fancier. Good for terrariums too.
Tillandsia ionantha 'Honduras'
A large growing clone of the ‘Blushing Bride’ from Honduras. Vase-shaped, with the leaf tips curving outward, reaching over 3 inches tall; big for an ionantha! Blushes brilliant red when in bloom.