Senecio peregrinus is popularly known as the 'String of Dolphins' plant. Although constantly labelled as a species, this plant is really a hybrid between Senecio rowleyanus 'String of Pearls' and Senecio articulatus. The leaves are curved with two points midway down the leaf which gives the appearance of a dolphin. This plant has a pendant, trailing habit with white flowers from May to June.
This plant prefers bright filtered light, keeping it on the dry side. If the temperature drops below 50 degrees, bring it inside! It is not cold hardy.
A unique addition to any succulent collection.
This fast growing Madagascan pachycaul is the largest of the rutenbergianum group and the most southerly in range. Clusters of violet/white flowers appear in spring before the plant comes out of dormancy. A tree-like pachycaul that is suitable for landscape use. Our plants are seed grown.
For lovers of weird, a nearly leafless, shrub-like member of the Didiereaceae that can reach nearly 10 feet tall but grows in a rather haphazard clump of tangled branches. The cylindrical stems are kind of olive green with silver tricomes and bears scattered conical spines which are stout but not ‘dangerous’.
Native to southern coastal Madagascar in the regions of the thorn forest from near sea level to almost 1,000 feet. A dioecious species that requires both sexes to set seed, but is easily propagated from cuttings. Reportedly slow growing but we do not find this to be especially true. Best grown in full sun to partial shade, well drained soils and moderate watering. Protect from freezing.
AKA the ‘Inchworm Plant.’ A caulescent species from the Arabian Peninsula with rounded, segmented stems that undulate along the ground surface, rooting at internodes. Bright crimson flowers. Makes an interesting hanging pot. Segments break off very easily, so in shipping this often happens. They can be laid out on the surface of a pot of soil, slightly nested into the media, and they will root in a short time to form a new plant.
The plant arrived in good condition considering it was delivered by the USPS. Glad you packaged it as well as you did. The plant was a bit smaller than the non flowering picture of the plant for sale on your website. Hopefully it will continue to grow well.
I had one of these years ago. It never blomed, I hope this one will bloom.
A nice healthy plant!!
C.I.T.E.S. - No Export
A Gasteria x Aloe hybrid, but the exact cross we do not know. About 5 inch rosettes are dark green with a gray wash, white spots with tubercles and whitish margins on the tapering leaves. Pretty, easy and a clumping plant.
A great form with a very fat caudex, slender, spiny branches and deep green leaves with a white mid-vein. The caudex is spineless, with a very nice shape. A very floriferous form with clusters of yellow flowers on long peduncles. This variety of rosulatum comes from the highlands of southern, central Madagascar.
Pachypodiums go dormant in winter and lose their leaves. Do not be alarmed by this natural leaf drop.
I've ordered three? Pachypodiums from Tropiflora. Compared to the others this one was small. Looks to be a seedling. It arrived in fantastic shape. The packing is top notch, very little medium escaped the pot in transit. So yeah, I get to watch it put on size which is gratifying.
Pachypodium rosulatum v. gracilius
A native to Southern Madagascar. Alluaudia humbertii is a deciduous, succulent, small tree or large shrub native to semi-arid scrubland and thorn forests. Mature plants can reach 16-20 feet tall and equally as wide with a stout trunk and freely branched habit. The slender branches have thin, grey bark, range in form from procumbent to arched to upright, and are covered in spines reaching 0.75" long. Small, rounded, succulent leaves reaching 0.75" in diameter emerge from the branches during the rainy season and are dropped by the plant during the dry season.
C.I.T.E.S. - No export, sorry.
C.I.T.E.S. - Sorry, no export.
A smaller hybrid that has decorative foliage, large teeth that are not sharp but are more rubbery, tapering, triangular leaves to about 3 inches long and a procumbent habit. The foliage is green, but blushes orange to red in strong light. The inflorescence bears red flowers. A choice plant, easy to grow.
Known as the 'Sea Onion', a bizarre caudiciform from Southern and East Africa which grows bulb-like with a peeling green caudex which can reach about six inches in diameter. The seasonal 'foliage' is actually a filamentous vining inflorescence in the brightest shade of green. This can be trained onto a trellis or left to hang from a basket. Grow in partial shade in a well draining media.
Bowiea was better looking than I expected.
C.I.T.E.S. - No export, sorry
Would love to see more succulents liated...
A cliff dwelling lithophyte native to the Chihuahuan Desert, our plants are from seed collected in Sta. Catarina, Nuevo Leon. Sometimes called the octopus Agave, because of its sinuous and curled, spineless, narrow leaves. An unusual aspect of this species is that it does not immediately die like most Agave species, after flowering. Eventually forms clusters of plants, attractive with their pale green leaves. Suited for full sun to partial shade. Needs good drainage.
A spiny dwarf shrub from South Africa. Gray-blue to olive green branches with numerous reddish brown spines. Branches at a small size. Can grow to over 12 inches in height. Puts on a nice shows of yellow flowers when blooming. This is considered the minor form.