Tillandsia concolor
A Mexican plant with very stiff leaves in an open rosette of 6 to 8 inches. The leaves are yellowish, blushing reddish in strong light or full sun and it produces a shiny red to yellow-green, branched inflorescence with pink flowers. Easy to grow, preferring conditions on the bright and dry side. Can be suspended from a string or mounted on wood, cork, stone or other substrate. Suitable for dry terrarium use.

Tillandsia caputmedusae
Tillandsia caputmedusae. A name that means ‘head of Medusa’. It has silvery twisty leaves and a bulbous base. The inflorescence is red and may be simple or branched. Weird, but easy to grow.

Tillandsia streptophylla
A beautiful and dramatic looking species from a variety of habitats in Mexico and Central America into parts of the Caribbean. Coastal habitats are preferred and this plant can often be found growing in mangroves or in very exposed locations in other open wooded habitats. In nature it forms very large clusters and is sometimes inhabited by ants which take advantage of its bulbous base for housing.
A striking plant that forms a turnip shaped and sized base of broad succulent leaves which hang down in curls. the curliness of the leaves depends somewhat on the moisture content, becoming more curly as the plant dries out. The leaves are coated with silvery trichomes and is quite attractive even when not in bloom. The inflorescence is taller by more than double the base of the plant and the scape has long, curly, leaf-like bracts. Pink branches top the spike and produce purplish-blue flowers at anthesis. The color lasts for a long time and in good light, the inflorescence and some of the upper leaves of the plant can blush reddish.
A choice plant that should be in every collection. Easy to grow, mount or hang from a string ‘cradle’, water often and feed well to grow this plant to an impressive size.

Tillandsia juncea
A tall Tillandsia with needle-like leaves to over 18 inches. Great for using as an accent in mounted arrangements. Will eventually form a large clump. Inflorescence is simple, greenish white to pink to red in color.

Tillandsia pseudobaileyi
A bulbous plant with a thick base to over an inch, and very stiff, contorted, terete wiry leaves. The plants are gray and slightly striped. The inflorescence is a tall spike with lavender branches. Very colorful in bloom. Great clumping plant, grows well just suspended from a string or wire.

Tillandsia funckiana
Native to the Andes of Venezuela, this cliff dweller is one of the jewels of the genus. A caulescent plant forming large clumps in just a few years, has fine, needle-like leaves about 3/4 inch long which flush red when blooming. The flower is a single, red, slightly flaring tube. A clump in bloom is a sight to behold! Flowers at various times throughout the warm months. A must for any collection, simply hang from a wire, grow it bright, water and fertilize frequently, allow to dry quickly.

Tillandsia schiedeana 'Minor'
A fine-leaved caulescent species from Central America always found growing in clumps. The foliage tints reddish in strong light and the simple red spike produces pretty yellow flowers. Grows well hanging from a string where it will form massive clusters in time. Tillandsia schiedeana minor is one of three commonly recognized forms of schiedeana. Found growing in clusters of several plants up to even hundreds. In full light the plants take on a reddish cast and when in bloom, the whole colony is a mass of red spikes and yellow flowers. Very attractive. Single plants are caulescent, up to 8′, and have fine 3′ leaves. Will form an attractive clump in a few seasons. Grow mounted, bright and airy.