Tillandsia duratii
The granddaddy of fragrant Tillandsias. Native to Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina where the trees in the arid Chaco are filled with this weird and wonderful, highly fragrant species. Having seen many thousands growing wild, I would have to call the plant a ‘vining’ species. The stem may grow to several feet long in older specimens and the leaves reach out and twist into tight curls at the tips. In nature, it may actually climb to the uppermost part of a tree in a few seasons, and many treetops are brimming with dozens of specimens reaching out into space.
The inflorescence is simple or may be branched but bears many very large purple flowers. The fragrance is very strong and a single specimen can perfume an entire garden. Does not root as an adult, so it must be attached with glue or wires to a mount. Best results may come from suspending the plant from a string or wire and hanging it in a bright airy spot. Easiest of all the fragrant Tillandsias to cultivate.

I bought one of these years ago from Tropiflora. It can take a drought and keep on going. I love going to their nursery and looking at there beautiful plants.