Forzzaea cf. leopoldo-horstii SEL1994-0275
A species formerly in the genus Cryptanthus that could easily be taken as a Dyckia in its foliar aspect. Native to the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil where it grows an arid existence. The leaves are stiff, slightly succulent, and straight, about a half inch wide at the base and tapering to a point, bearing small, stiff, outward-facing, marginal red-tipped green spines. It can attain a size of 18 inches in diameter at maturity. The leaves are a shiny, glabrous green with a hint of red at the leaf base at the point that they grasp the main stem. The underside of the leaves are covered with a very fine lineated scurf of trichomes and a heavier covering on the leaf petiole. Leaf impressions can be seen on both sides of the leaves. The fragrant flowers are white. This clone carries the Selby accession number of SEL 1994-0275.
*VIPP plants are Offsets