A lithophytic jewel from the southern Mexican state of Chiapas is a very desirable and unusual species. A medium sized plant that may grow to a foot tall or so, and obtain the girth of a tennis ball, but much larger specimens are sometimes seen in collections. The leaves are terete and mostly erect, often contorted and are covered with a silvery scurf. The inflorescence is an erect, stout, branched pinkish spike. Very easy to cultivate mounted or potted in light media. There is some considerable discussion that this is actually a natural hybrid, but that has no bearing on the fact that it is an outstanding plant.
The plant I received was really nice, I was very pleased as usual. The Tropiflora staff was very helpful getting my order to me on time.
Tillandsia fasciculata 'Multispike'
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A superior version of the typical T. fasciculata with stiff greenish gray leaves in an upright rosette and a multi-branched spike of red, yellow and orange. Very nice!
Tillandsia fasciculata 'Tropiflora'
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A large-growing Tillandsia that fits closer with fasciculata than anything else, with silvery-gray leaves to 24 inches long in a very large and full rosette. The inflorescence is massive, reaching well above the foliage on a thick scape, supporting a head of up to 20 fat bright-red braches up to 8 inches long and an inch thick.
The inflorescence lasts in good color for over a year. A likely natural hybrid of fasciculata x compressa that we got from Jamaica over 40 years ago.
A Very Beautiful plant with a bloom coming. Arrived in perfect condition
Tillandsia flagellata
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This is a beauty and one of our favorite Tillandsias! We collected our original plants many years ago in Southern Ecuador and have propagated them since. An excellent species with many arching silvery-gray leaves in a 20 inch or larger rosette, with a beautiful branched rose-red inflorescence lasting for months.
Native to semi arid valleys and can often be found in trees near water courses. Somewhat of a slow grower but a spectacular plant at maturity. This species thrives with bright light and moderate watering and feeding.
Tillandsia flavobracteata
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A fairly newly resurrected species related to compressa and fasciculata, native to the State of Veracruz in Mexico. The type locality is near the town of Hidalgotitlán in the seasonally dry, broad leaf forests of the eastern Isthmus of Tehuantepec. A medium sized plant to about 20 inches tall with narrow, tapering leaves in an upright vase shape. The inflorescence is stunning, uprightly branched and bright yellow. An outstanding plant without any special cultural requirements other than typical for Tillandsias.
Tillandsia flexuosa Florida
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The Florida native form of this widespread species which has a range that runs from Florida and the Bahamas to Northern South America. An upright, tubular, vase-shaped plant with broadly tapering, spiraled leaves. The color is brownish-green with a coating of silver trichomes that normally forms in bands. The inflorescence is tall, thin and usually branched, normally green in Florida, but can be reddish sometimes. The flowers are arranged at right angles and are rosy/pink. Often a twig epiphyte in nature, it is easy to grow mounted. Keep warm, (above 40's) as this is an especially tropical species that in Florida is restricted to the southern Everglades and coastal regions of South Florida.
Native to the Andes of Venezuela, this cliff dweller is one of the jewels of the genus. A caulescent plant forming large clumps in just a few years, has fine, needle-like leaves about 3/4 inch long which flush red when blooming. The flower is a single, red, slightly flaring tube. A clump in bloom is a sight to behold! Flowers at various times throughout the warm months. A must for any collection, simply hang from a wire, grow it bright, water and fertilize frequently, allow to dry quickly.
Tillandsia funckiana 'Dimmit' 1276-1
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We acquired this clone from Selby Gardens without an accession number. This clone was most likely collected by Mark Dimmit and makes silvery-green clumps.
Tillandsia funckiana 'Marron'
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A robust form of this variable Venezuelan species. The cultivar name ‘Marron’ means brown in Spanish, but we do not see any brown in this plant. Perhaps it had a brownish appearance in nature. We have observed this plant at several locations in habitat and know that the plants vary quite a lot.
A cliff dweller that grows on rocks in full sun, in cultivation it will form a large cluster even to several feet across with time. Very nice, short, needle thin leaves that tint reddish in bright light and at anthesis. Flowers are blood red.
Tillandsia funckiana recurvifolia
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A form of Tillandsia funckiana described from cultivated plants from the collection of Prof. Dr. Werner Rauh. A typical caulescent form with mildly to strongly recurved leaves. No exact locality was given for the type specimen. Our plants, which originated with the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens and have the accession number of SEL1985-1874 with Barinas as a locality. Barinas could be the state or city. Either way, it is in the Andes foothills adjacent to Merida which is a locality from which many T. funckiana collections have been made. A choice form.
Tillandsia funckiana SEL1985-1875 Merida
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We acquired this clone from Marie Selby Botanical Gardens but not much else is known.
A rare and handsome lithophytic species from Guerrero, Mexico with succulent, silvery leaves that are fairly narrow, forming a somewhat bulbous based rosette to about 8 inches across or so. A clumping species that forms large colonies of many plants.
Quite beautiful in bloom, it has a spike with several branches that is bright pink and longer than the leaves. Flowers are deep purple-blue. We originally obtained this plant from Prof. Dr. Werner Rauh who was the author of this species.