Tillandsia caputmedusae
Tillandsia caputmedusae. A name that means ‘head of Medusa’. It has silvery twisty leaves and a bulbous base. The inflorescence is red and may be simple or branched. Weird, but easy to grow.
Tillandsia chapeuensis
A rarity in cultivation. This one comes from Morro do Chapeu, Brazil. It is very similar in appearance to Tillandsia gardneri. It has narrower leaves and is more robust. It has a erect inflorescence with 6 to 8 branches. The bracts are pink with scurf and the petals are pink.
Tillandsia chiapensis
One of the all-time favorite, easy to grow, beautiful Tillandsias, from Chiapas, Mexico. A pinkish-silver plant with wide, leathery, scurfy leaves in a broadly spreading open rosette. Can grow to 18 inches, but usually is much smaller.
The inflorescence, which can last in color for a year, is an inflated, sometimes branched, pink spike. A cliff-dweller from the dramatic canyons of Chiapas, it best kept mounted in bright light, and fed frequently.
As always . . . everything was Great !
Tillandsia chiapensis 'Gigantesco'
This giant clone of Tillandsia chiapensis has longer leaves and will grow taller than the typical form. Matures at approximately 18-20 inches in height and 24 inches width.
We acquired this plant from Steve Correale years ago but have not offered it to the public until now.
The last photo is a blooming clump ready to be split.
*VIPP plant is a Small size - see first photo.
Tillandsia chiapensis x rothii
A hybrid that we got from a friend some years ago that is of unknown provenance, to us anyway. It has “the look” of a Steve Correale hybrid but we do not know for sure. This cross was also done by Paul Isley and his cross is named Tillandsia ‘Mr. Mal Mele’, but it is not the same as our plant.
Ours has broad, recurving, silvery leaves and a slightly bulbous base. The leaves blush pinkish on the upper part of the plant at anthesis. The inflorescence is about as tall as the body of the plant overall, with long scape bracts. It bears 6 or more branches that are held upright at a 45-degree angle to the scape. Floral bracts are bright red with some silvery trichomes. Flowers are violet. A very attractive plant with a long-lasting inflorescence.
Tillandsia chlorophylla
A very showy plant that strongly resembles the more common Til. foliosa. A beautiful sub-mesic to mesic grower from Veracruz, Mexico that has narrow, reddish-green leaves in a 12 inch rosette, with a 12 inch inflorescence of crimson.
The scape has 1½ inch long branches that are only partly hidden by the long, red bracts. In foliosa, the bracts completely hide the branches. Does well potted or mounted.
*VIPP plants are Offsets
Tillandsia Collection (2-for-1)
Our periodic Two - For - One Tillandsia Collections are a great way to start with Tillandsias and share with a friend! All plants in our collections are chosen for diverse variety and ease of culture. Plants are of types that can be mounted or kept bare root in baskets or even hung from a string.
Care consists of the basics: Good bright filtered light, good air circulation, watering when needed by wetting the entire plant and occasional fertilizing, with an 'orchid type' fertilizer. You will get two each of ten varieties, twenty plants in all, all labeled and ready to grow. Plants will be from about half mature to blooming and all of vigorous, easy varieties. This collection changes periodically so you may want to check back from time to time.
To learn more about the plants in the collection, we suggest that you go to the web page for each variety to see a photo and read more about the plant. This collection has a retail value of $130.00 if purchased individually, but you can have the entire collection for only $59.95!
This collection includes two each of the following plants:
106 Tillandsia aeranthos 'Major'
9254 Tillandsia schiedeana large form, Totolapan, Oaxaca, Mexico
221 Tillandsia ionantha v. vanhyningii
6995 Tillandsia 'Gildora'
274 Tillandsia paleacea
7274 Tillandsia 'Kay Jay'
6273 Tillandsia ixioides x bergeri
1042 Tillandsia 'Rosalia Mavrikas'
6295 Tillandsia x wilinskii
215 Tillandsia ionantha 'Guatemalan Select'
Every tillandsia in this shipment arrived healthy and damage free. Very pleased with this collection.
Tillandsia concolor
A Mexican plant with very stiff leaves in an open rosette of 6 to 8 inches. The leaves are yellowish, blushing reddish in strong light or full sun and it produces a shiny red to yellow-green, branched inflorescence with pink flowers. Easy to grow, preferring conditions on the bright and dry side. Can be suspended from a string or mounted on wood, cork, stone or other substrate. Suitable for dry terrarium use.
Tillandsia concolor 'Cuicatlan'
A giant form of concolor from Mexico with the same general characteristics as the typical form, but reaching nearly a foot across. A desert dweller with a restricted range, it can be seen growing on cacti and Acacia in the extremely harsh country near Cuicatlan, Oaxaca. Stiff yellowish-green foliage tints reddish in the sun, and a shiny multiple branched spike of yellow to red with pink flowers. An outstanding plant.
Note: It is suggested by the BSI that this is a natural hybrid of unknown parentage. I doubt that. The plants are abundant in habitat but of limited range and they vary little. I believe that this is just a large and attractive clone or possibly form of the species. The ‘normal’ form does not seem to occur within the range of ‘Cuicatlan‘.
Tillandsia didisticha 'Large Form'
Tillandsia duratii
The granddaddy of fragrant Tillandsias. Native to Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina where the trees in the arid Chaco are filled with this weird and wonderful, highly fragrant species. Having seen many thousands growing wild, I would have to call the plant a ‘vining’ species. The stem may grow to several feet long in older specimens and the leaves reach out and twist into tight curls at the tips. In nature, it may actually climb to the uppermost part of a tree in a few seasons, and many treetops are brimming with dozens of specimens reaching out into space.
The inflorescence is simple or may be branched but bears many very large purple flowers. The fragrance is very strong and a single specimen can perfume an entire garden. Does not root as an adult, so it must be attached with glue or wires to a mount. Best results may come from suspending the plant from a string or wire and hanging it in a bright airy spot. Easiest of all the fragrant Tillandsias to cultivate.
I bought one of these years ago from Tropiflora. It can take a drought and keep on going. I love going to their nursery and looking at there beautiful plants.
Tillandsia duratii x stricta
A real oddity. Showing characteristics of both parents, the influence of duratii is obviously stronger. A caulescent plant, with narrow, succulent silvery leaves like duratii, but leafier and more of a rosette shape like stricta.