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A naturally occurring hybrid of brachycaulos x dasyliriifolia from Mexico, described by Ramirez & Carnivali. In our experience it is not a large plant, but rather upright growing to about 12 to 18 inches with fairly broad silvery-green leaves. The inflorescence is cylindrical to occasionally branched, with pinkish bracts and white flowers.
Tillandsia 'Live Wire'
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Bob Spivey’s hybrid is a cultivar of (funckiana x kegeliana), two red-flowered Tillandsias that are not as unrelated as they might appear. The flowers are in fact quite similar in both, though the foliage is dramatically different. The hybrid much more closely resembles the funckiana parent but differs in being more robust with longer leaves and having multiple flowers. It keeps the nice clustering habit of the funckiana parent.
Tillandsia 'Mystic Burgundy'
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A cross of (albertiana x muhriae) by Mark Dimmitt. An interesting plant with semi-terete succulent leaves in an attenuated rosette. The foliage is reddish-green, finely lineated and loosely arranged on a 3 to 4 inch stem. Large deep pink flowers. Seldom offered.
Tillandsia 'Spring Frost'
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A natural hybrid of (schiedeana x caput-medusae). Resembling both parents, it has a semi-bulbous base like that of caput-medusae, but with straight leaves of schiedeana. The color is white lepidote with a branched red to rarely green inflorescence, producing bi-colored flowers.
Tillandsia mitlaensis
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An unusual rock dwelling (saxicolous) Tillandsia of the deserts of southern Mexico with recurved, stiff silver leaves. Forms a very attractive clump. The individual plants recurve in a claw-like fashion, towards the cliff or mount. A small silver plant to less than six inches and grows in a teardrop shape. The inflorescence is a simple pink spike. Forms a very attractive clump. A neat little plant great for mounting.
Tillandsia guerreroensis
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A rare and handsome lithophytic species from Guerrero, Mexico with succulent, silvery leaves that are fairly narrow, forming a somewhat bulbous based rosette to about 8 inches across or so. A clumping species that forms large colonies of many plants.
Quite beautiful in bloom, it has a spike with several branches that is bright pink and longer than the leaves. Flowers are deep purple-blue. We originally obtained this plant from Prof. Dr. Werner Rauh who was the author of this species.
A hybrid made in the 1970s by Luis Ariza Julia of the Dominican Republic. A cultivar of Til. ariza-juliae x pruinosa, both species native to the Dominican Republic. The plant is a small grower to about 10 inches tall but with terete leaves and a small bulbous base. The color is gray-silver with heavy trichomes.
The inflorescence is a simple spike of pink about half as tall as the foliage. Easily forms clusters and is well suited to mounting. Grow in bright light out of full sun.
Tillandsia jonesii
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A smallish species of Tillandsia that grows on a long stem. The narrow, stiff leaves are 2 to 3 inches long spaced along the stem and taper to a point. The overall color is dark purplish with a silvery tint. The inflorescence is a 2 inch scape with bright pink bracts and flaring blue flowers. Clumps are easily formed and once a clump forms, the plants can be suspended from a string for cultivation.
Native to Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil, it has a strong resemblance to T. aeranthos though it must be significantly different enough to deserve species status. Our plants came originally from the collection of Elton Leme.
Tillandsia 'Bauple'
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A hybrid of (brachycaulos x streptophylla) by Paterson. A plant of variable size that may flower from 5 to 10 inches tall. Somewhat bulbous and upright, the leaves are reddish and lepidote, blushing red at anthesis. The inflorescence is capitate with blue flowers.
Tillandsia x walter-richteri (natural hybrid)
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A natural hybrid of Till. argentina x tenuifolia. A clustering plant with very stiff, dark gray leaves tapering to a sharp point. The inflorescence is a lanceolate scape of pink with lavender flowers with an open corolla. Overall the plant takes more characteristics from the argentina parent.
Tillandsia streptophylla
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A beautiful and dramatic looking species from a variety of habitats in Mexico and Central America into parts of the Caribbean. Coastal habitats are preferred and this plant can often be found growing in mangroves or in very exposed locations in other open wooded habitats. In nature it forms very large clusters and is sometimes inhabited by ants which take advantage of its bulbous base for housing.
A striking plant that forms a turnip shaped and sized base of broad succulent leaves which hang down in curls. the curliness of the leaves depends somewhat on the moisture content, becoming more curly as the plant dries out. The leaves are coated with silvery trichomes and is quite attractive even when not in bloom. The inflorescence is taller by more than double the base of the plant and the scape has long, curly, leaf-like bracts. Pink branches top the spike and produce purplish-blue flowers at anthesis. The color lasts for a long time and in good light, the inflorescence and some of the upper leaves of the plant can blush reddish.
A choice plant that should be in every collection. Easy to grow, mount or hang from a string ‘cradle’, water often and feed well to grow this plant to an impressive size.