A miniature hybrid of (albertiana x arequitae) by Mark Dimmitt. A fascinating beautiful hybrid with large peach to lavender colored flowers to 2 inches in diameter. Foliage is stiff and silvery in an upright, loose rosette of a dozen leaves.
A form of Tillandsia funckiana described from cultivated plants from the collection of Prof. Dr. Werner Rauh. A typical caulescent form with mildly to strongly recurved leaves. No exact locality was given for the type specimen. Our plants, which originated with the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens and have the accession number of SEL1985-1874 with Barinas as a locality. Barinas could be the state or city. Either way, it is in the Andes foothills adjacent to Merida which is a locality from which many T. funckiana collections have been made. A choice form.
A robust form of Tillandsia funckiana that we got from a collector in Colombia. We are not sure of the exact origin although most of the similar clones come from the Andes of Venezuela near the Colombia border. The stems grow to 10 inches or so and have needle thing leaves to just over an inch long. The leaves curve upward but this form is quite different from v. recurvifolia. The overall color is green with a coating of silver trichomes and a red blush in strong light and at anthesis. This form is like all others; a cliff dweller that forms cascading clusters.
Tillandsia 'Curra'
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An Australian hybrid of (concolor x ionantha) by Margaret Paterson. A robust plant with many stiff, pointed leaves in an 8 to 10 inch rosette. The leaf color is light green with a dusting of silvery trichomes. There is no color blush at anthesis in spite of the ionantha parentage, but rather it produces a very short but very full and branchy inflorescence with red bracts and bluish-purple flowers.
A choice, easy to cultivate plant.
Tillandsia 'Fantasy'
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An accidental hybrid, probably made by hummingbirds visiting a greenhouse, is almost certainly a cross of (balbisiana x pseudobaileyi). This plant occurred amongst a group of seedlings of Tillandsia balbisiana supplied by a South American nurseryman. The shape of the plant is rather classic balbisiana in all aspects including size. The leaves though are semi-terete and have the striping like the T. pseudobaileyi.
The inflorescence is like balbisiana in shape and size but has the color of pseudobaileyi. One can never be sure of such a cross, but in my experience I have never seen a hybrid that appeared as obvious as this one. A very striking plant.
Tillandsia 'Lucky Dog'
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Tillandsia fasciculata 'Hondurensis' x capitata 'Yellow' SC
A nice plant by Steve Correale with an open rosette, blushing to almost red when in bloom. Leaves are bright green with some scurffing, slightly curved. The inflorescence has yellow branched spikes and pink flower tubes.
Tillandsia 'Celtic Spire'
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Bill Timm’s hybrid of Tillandsia ionantha ‘Druid’ x ionantha v. vanhyningii, looks pretty much like a large vanhyningii. If this plant had turned out with a yellow blush instead of red, more like the ‘Druid’ parent, then this would have been a show stopper. But alas it isn’t yellow, but it is still a very nice, compact and colorful plant as you can see by the photo.
Tillandsia tenuifolia v. cocoensis
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This plant has not yet been published but has been in cultivation for a while under the name of Tillandsia cocoensis.
In correspondence with Eric Gouda he says that this plant is most likely a form of T. tenuifolia and will likely be published as T. tenuifolia var. cocoensis by Renate Ehlers, hopefully in the near future. It was discovered growing on the cliffs of Morro do Coco in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil where it forms mats of plants with procumbent stems and stiff, silvery leaves. The flowers are slightly violet-white, borne on a short red scape with bright red bracts.
A cute and easy to grow species that blooms faithfully. Our plants came originally from the collection of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens with the accession number of SEL91-0099A.
Tillandsia ionantha v. stricta forma fastigiata 'Peanut'
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One of the smallest of the ionantha forms, often growing no larger than an inch tall. A clustering little plant from the highlands of Oaxaca with its leaves growing in a tight, upright rosette.
Tillandsia aeranthos var. nigra
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This is the darkest form of T. aeranthos with dark gray leaves that can turn almost black in certain conditions.