Sincoraea aff. burlemarxii EB - Tropiflora
Sincoraea aff. burlemarxii EB - Tropiflora
Sincoraea aff. burlemarxii EB - Tropiflora
Sincoraea aff. burlemarxii EB - Tropiflora

Sincoraea aff. burlemarxii EB


Regular price $50.00 Save $-50.00

One of many clones of Sincoraea burlemarxii that we have in our collection. We are always seeking new forms and different clones in order to keep a viable representation of as many of these variable plants as possible for future needs. At any rate, this clone is large growing with narrow leaves and takes on a distinct reddish tint in strong light. The leaves are covered with a veneer of silver trichomes so the plant takes on a pink appearance. At anthesis the center blushes bright red. Like all of this species, our plant originated in the Chapada Diamantina area of Bahia, Brazil.