Myrmecodia beccari DJC Cairns, Qld. Australia
Myrmecodia beccari DJC Cairns, Qld. Australia
Myrmecodia beccari DJC Cairns, Qld. Australia
Myrmecodia beccari DJC Cairns, Qld. Australia
Myrmecodia beccari DJC Cairns, Qld. Australia
Myrmecodia beccari DJC Cairns, Qld. Australia
Myrmecodia beccari DJC Cairns, Qld. Australia

Myrmecodia beccari DJC Cairns, Qld. Australia


Regular price $25.00 Save $-25.00

An Australian ‘ant plant’ with a swollen, tuberous base and thick branches bearing oblong leathery leaves. The tuber is spiny and has openings to inside chambers that, in nature, house ants.

These ants have a symbiotic relationship with the plant and in exchange for housing, leave nutrients inside the chambers and provide a measure of protection against predators. However, these ants do not occur in cultivated plants. White flowers are borne in cavities along the stems, followed by small fruit.

A curiosity as an epiphytic caudiciform plant, it grows well in a basket or potted in well-draining media. A good mix is orchid bark or mix with sphagnum added.