Dyckia goehringii #EL2718 - Tropiflora
Dyckia goehringii #EL2718 - Tropiflora
Dyckia goehringii #EL2718 - Tropiflora
Dyckia goehringii #EL2718 - Tropiflora

Dyckia goehringii #EL2718


Regular price $25.00 Save $0.00

No doubt that this is one of the most spectacular and much sought of all the Dyckias. A silvery demon of a plant with wickedly spiny, recurving leaves and well armed stolons. Bright light to full sun brings out the best in this species as you can see in the photos. The extreme silvery plants were photographed in nature and the other potted one you can see is not as fully lepidote, even though it is an offset of one of the wild plants. We have never grown this plant from seed, only offsets, so they are the pure species. Outstanding, beautiful and rare, a great combination!