Cryptanthus correia-araujoi


Regular price $30.00 Save $-30.00

A caulescent species originally found in the Brazilian state of Espiríto Santo, but thought to grow throughout the eastern horn of Brazil from São Luis in the north to Rio de Janeiro in the south and to Palmas and Brasília in the west.  Found in the Atlantic forest and outlying areas to the west, this species prefers bright shaded, moist conditions in order to grow well.  The leaves, bronze-green in color with a maroon-red mid-rib and stem, are soft in texture, but stiff enough to present themselves in a horizontal plane of a spiral staircase.  As the plant matures it tends to lean from its own weight and will scramble along having its head up.  Offsets occur after flowering and appear from the top center of the plant.  Rarely will offsets appear from down on the stem, but it does occur on a well cared for plant.  A rare and exceptional species unlike most others to add to your Cryptanthus collection.


*** For best results, we recommend growing this species in a dirty Turface® mix, equal parts peat based potting mix and Turface® All Sport.  Fill the bottom of your pot with a shallow layer of potting mix, this prevents the Turface® mix from running out the bottom of your pot, and the remainder with the dirty Turface® mix.