Tillandsia hondurensis
A cliff dwelling species from the high badlands of Honduras grows in a somewhat caulescent rosette with wide silvery leaves that blush pinkish when in bloom. The inflorescence is capitate on a short scape of peach colored bracts and lavender flowers. The range of this rarity from central Honduras is restricted to a few isolated limestone cliffs. The natural population has been decimated by forest fires but fortunately it is easily propagated and now grown in fairly large numbers.

Tillandsia juncea
A tall Tillandsia with needle-like leaves to over 18 inches. Great for using as an accent in mounted arrangements. Will eventually form a large clump. Inflorescence is simple, greenish white to pink to red in color.

Wallisia cyanea
Commonly referred to as 'Pink Quill'. Native to Ecuador, but ubiquitous in collections across the globe. One of the finest natural species to be discovered, it has been in cultivation well over one hundred years, and many selected clones have been developed. The plant is sub-mesic, thriving potted in moist, open-shaded conditions.
Bright light turns the paddle-shaped inflorescence a deep and vivid pink. The large, deep purple flowers are highly fragrant with the scent of cloves or cinnamon. Red-striated green leaves. A must for all collections. Grow in bright shade and keep moist.
(formerly Tillandsia)

Perfect condition, bloom about halfway open, so I will get to enjoy the maximum show. Only $10 at the retail store. I don't have much luck with getting them to rebook, but I have 2 or 3 that are still otherwise doing great after probably 3-4 years, and they make lovely foliage in any case.
Tillandsia funckiana
Native to the Andes of Venezuela, this cliff dweller is one of the jewels of the genus. A caulescent plant forming large clumps in just a few years, has fine, needle-like leaves about 3/4 inch long which flush red when blooming. The flower is a single, red, slightly flaring tube. A clump in bloom is a sight to behold! Flowers at various times throughout the warm months. A must for any collection, simply hang from a wire, grow it bright, water and fertilize frequently, allow to dry quickly.

Tillandsia capitata 'Hondurensis'
Somewhat resembles a Tillandsia brachycaulos in size and shape but less leafy. Leaves are somewhat stiff, shiny, and gray/green. The entire plant flushes pink or peach when in bloom, with a short scape. An epiphyte on shrubby trees in the scorching valleys of central Honduras. Definitely something different. Easy to grow.

Tillandsia subteres
This beautiful species is native to only a couple of isolated canyons in central Honduras. A large upright grower to over 30 inches, with stiff, reddish leaves and an inflorescence of long pink, upright, terete branches.
In nature it lives at the base of cliffs, supporting itself against rocks and other plants. In cultivation it can be kept bare root, mounted or may be potted in a well drained media.

Tillandsia mitlaensis