Tillandsia iglari (formerly known as edithae 'Green Form')
Tillandsia iglari (formerly known as edithae 'Green Form')
Tillandsia iglari (formerly known as edithae 'Green Form')
Tillandsia iglari (formerly known as edithae 'Green Form')
Tillandsia iglari (formerly known as edithae 'Green Form')
Tillandsia iglari (formerly known as edithae 'Green Form')

Tillandsia iglari (formerly known as edithae 'Green Form')


Regular price $25.00 Save $-25.00

Prior description:

This ‘green form’ of Tillandsia edithae isn’t really green. It’s a form with more adpressed trichomes, giving the plant a more glabrous, less fuzzy, silvery appearance. In fact, in the summer here in Florida, the ‘silver form’ tends to get a bit of algae on the trichomes from the high humidity, giving it an actual green appearance.

Anyway, the ‘green form’ is different enough to warrant a cultivar name to distinguish it from the more typical, silver form. Other than that, the bloom and all aspects of growth are about the same, the leaves are perhaps a bit stiffer and a bit more compact but nearly the same as the silver form. Both are beautiful caulescent plants with short, broadly triangular, silvery-gray leaves and a stunning red-flowered inflorescence.

Native of Bolivia, they live a lithophytic existence on sheer rock cliffs, hanging in massive cascades. Care-free to grow, when mounted in a pendant fashion, they freely produce offsets along the old portions of their stems, soon forming large attractive clusters.

Note that in the second photo, both forms are there for comparison, even though it is hard to tell the apart in the photo. In life it is much easier!

*Recently (May 2024) renamed to T. iglari

Peter Tristram from Australia examined formerly, T. edithae 'Green Clone', and determines the genetic sequencing if different from the other species edithae. Thus naming this variety its own species, Tillandsia iglari.