$10 & UNDER
Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia x wilinskii (Minimum of 5)
An interesting plant with long, stiff leaves along a caulescent stem, silvery green in color, clump forming. The inflorescence is a thin scape no higher than the foliage, with large flowers of deep rose red that are tubular with flaring petals that recurve at the tips. A very interesting plant that leaves no doubt about its hybrid origins.
Regular Retail prices are $8.00 (Small plant) and $20.00 (Medium plant). Save $4.50 - $15.50 per plant (depending on size) when you buy in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply

Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia glabrior (Minimum of 10)
From central Mexico, where it grows in colonies on exposed canyon walls. The short, recurved leaves are stiff and silvery with a red inflorescence. Easy to grow into a lovely clump.
Regular Retail prices are $6.00 (Medium plant) and $12.50 (Small Clump). Save $3.00 - $4.50 per plant (depending on size) when you buy in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply

Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia juncifolia (Minimum of 10)
This taxon was treated as a synonym of T. juncea by Mez 1935 and S&D in 1977 but the name persists. This name continues to be used by Guatemalan growers and others for the nursery trade for a small, green form with longish stolons. It could be treated as a form of T. juncea not a species in its own right but is best treated as a cultivar ‘Juncifolia’
Regular Retail prices are $6.00 (Small plant), $8.00 (Medium plant) and $10.00 (Large plant). Save $3.00 - $4.00 per plant (depending on size) when you buy in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply

Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia 'Starburst' (Minimum of 10)
A hybrid of (brachycaulos x schiedeana). Upright to 10 inches, it has rather narrow leaves and an attenuated inflorescence that forms a tightly capitate head. A late-spring bloomer, with rosy-blushing silvery leaves and yellow flowers. This is a very interesting and different-looking plant.
Regular Retail prices are $5.00 (Small plant) and $8.00 (Medium plant). Save $2.00 - $4.00 per plant (depending on size) when you buy in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply

Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia juncea (Minimum of 10)
A tall Tillandsia with needle-like leaves to over 18 inches. Great for using as an accent in mounted arrangements. Will eventually form a large clump. Inflorescence is simple, greenish white to pink to red in color.
Regular Retail prices are $4.00 (Small plant), $6.00 (Medium plant) and $8.00 (Large plant). Save $1.50 - $3.50 per plant (depending on size) when you buy in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply

Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia 'Veronica's Mariposa' (Minimum of 10)
A clone of (aeranthos x leonamiana). A robust beauty to 6 inches tall with stiff, purplish-green, silver lepidote, upright, recurving leaves. Lavender flowers and bicolor pink bracts are borne on a 4 inch scape. Very easy to grow.
Regular Retail prices are $6.00 (Small plant) and $8.00 (Medium plant). Save $3.50 - $4.50 per plant (depending on size) when you buy in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply

Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia capitata 'Hondurensis' (Minimum of 10)
Somewhat resembles a Tillandsia brachycaulos in size and shape but less leafy. Leaves are somewhat stiff, shiny, and gray/green. The entire plant flushes pink or peach when in bloom, with a short scape. An epiphyte on shrubby trees in the scorching valleys of central Honduras. Definitely something different. Easy to grow.
Regular Retail prices are $5.00 (Small plant) and $8.00 (Medium plant). Save $3.00 - $5.00 per plant (depending on size) when you buy in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply

Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia schiedeana v. minor (Minimum of 10)
A fine-leaved caulescent species from Central America always found growing in clumps. The foliage tints reddish in strong light and the simple red spike produces pretty yellow flowers. Grows well hanging from a string where it will form massive clusters in time. Tillandsia schiedeana minor is one of three commonly recognized forms of schiedeana.
Found growing in clusters of several plants up to even hundreds. In full light the plants take on a reddish cast and when in bloom, the whole colony is a mass of red spikes and yellow flowers. Very attractive. Single plants are caulescent, up to 8′, and have fine 3′ leaves. Will form an attractive clump in a few seasons. Grow mounted, bright and airy.
Regular Retail prices are $4.00 (Single plant) and $8.00 (Small Clump). Save $2.00 - $2.50 per plant (depending on size) when you order in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply

Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia concolor (Minimum of 10)
A Mexican plant with very stiff leaves in an open rosette of 6 to 8 inches. The leaves are yellowish, blushing reddish in strong light or full sun and it produces a shiny red to yellow-green, branched inflorescence with pink flowers. Easy to grow, preferring conditions on the bright and dry side. Can be suspended from a string or mounted on wood, cork, stone or other substrate. Suitable for dry terrarium use.
Regular Retail prices are $5.00 (Small plant), $8.00 (Medium plant) and $12.50 (Large plant). Save $3.00 - $6.50 per plant (depending on size) when you buy in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply

I placed an order of Tillandsia concolor last week, I received my order in no time at all. The interior shipment was absolutely Beautiful! If this is what you call small and medium, oh my I can't wait to place my order for large! Thank you, Kristi at Connie's Exotic Plants & Living Art.
Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia aeranthos v. aemula (Minimum of 10)
If you like Till. aeranthos, you’ll love the variety aemula! Like a giant-growing form of the species, it is a very handsome and hardy plant from Southern Brazil. Somewhat more caulescent than the typical form, it has purplish-tinted foliage on a stem up to 12 inches long.
The inflorescence is well exerted, about 6 inches long, with deep rose-colored bracts and deep blue flowers. Forms large clumps eventually, and can be grown mounted or just hanging on a string.
Regular Retail prices are $8.00 (Small plant) and $10.00 (Medium plant). Save $6.00 - $7.00 per plant (depending on size) when you buy in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply

Bulk Air Plants: Tillandsia 'Candy Corn' (Minimum of 5)
This hybrid of (leonamiana x ixioides) is pretty much what you’d expect of this cross. An open rosette of narrow, arching, stiff leaves of silvery gray and an inflorescence that is tall and slender with a few short branches at the top, silver dusted orange bracts and yellow flowers. Easy, prolific and showy.
Regular Retail prices are $8.00 (Small plant) and $10.00 (Medium plant). Save $6.00 - $7.00 per plant (depending on size) when you buy in bulk!
$100.00 Minimum order for wholesale packs apply