In Quest of Philippine Treasures

Cargo Report - Vol. 6 #4, October 1996

Today is Henrique Graf's birthday (he's 92)! World famous botanist, explorer, orchid grower and hybridizer, he is the founder of Plantio La Orquidea in Caracas.

He and I are long-time friends, having first met in 1975 while on a collecting expedition to Venezuela. He welcomed us into his home, show us gracious hospitality, and helped us with logistics and directions for our expedition. Henrique, with his wife Inge, and daughters Tina, Karen and Claudia, visited us at our home in Bradenton a year later.

After that we were friends for life and traveled the US and the world together on many occasions. Henrique is still going strong. He continues to work with his orchids and to travel. We wish him continued health and happiness, and look forward to his next visit here coming up soon. - Dennis Cathcart